I began this line of inquiry by looking at increasing functionality at the expense of utility. For example, a fork is useful because it has separate tines/prongs, usually 3 or 4. Increasing the number of tines to 50 makes it “more functional”, however, the numerous tines make it difficult, if not impossible, to eat, getting in the way of the utility. Shoes protect your feet – piling on extra shoes becomes hard to walk in, & so forth. The ideas grew & shifted, but it was always important to me that no matter how crazy the objects were, they were always intriguing. The items included a .925 sterling silver face mask, secured by a 5 foot-long silver chain, a motocross parka & a widely-acclaimed chunky modified Air Force One. The goal with these 3 pieces is to elicit the following reaction: 1) *speechless* 2) That’s wild. 3) I need it!
Don Quasar